Purchase Request

  • Last Created On Jun 19, 2023
  • 131
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Used to create purchase request. After the purchase request has a status of Approved, it can be shared to the vendor.

In case the purchase request has a status of Draft or Rejected, the purchase request cannot be shared with the vendor

Create Purchase Request

  • Step 1. Create approval process for Purchase request ( if nececessary) at approval setting.
  • Step 2. Go to Purchase request menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar -> Click New button
  • Step 3. In the Add new Purchase request page, fill the following details:

    1. Enter the Purchase Request Name.
    2. Select the Project.
    3. You can create a purchase request from Sales Estimate or Sale invoice and available items or enter arbitrary names for undefined items.
    Sale estimate: get estimates with states Draft , Send , Expired. Accepted (except Declined).
    Sale invoices: Get all invoices except the one with Draft and Cancelled status.
    4. Select the Currency.
    5. Select the Department.
    6. Select Requester.
    7. Select Share to vendor: After purchase request is selected Approved⇒ vendor can see this purchase request in their portal.
    8. Enter the Description.
  • Step 4. Click Save button
  • Step 5. Approve purchase request (if there is an approval process)
    1.  Select Purchase request as Not yet approved -> Click View
    2. Click Send approval request ⇒ notify you to send approval request successfully. Approvers receive approval request notifications via email and web

    3. Log in to the approver account -> click on the notification requesting approval -> Click the Approve button -> enter the content in the Reason field (if any) -> select Approve or Deny. ⇒ successful approval notification ⇒ Purchase Request creators get notified.

  • Step 6. After purchase request status is Approved -> allow View PDF, Send Request Quotation email and Share PR to vendor

Send Request Quotation email

  • Step 1. Select the approved Purchase Request -> Click 
  • Step 2. In the Send a purchase request popup, fill the following details: 

    1. Select the contacts to send this purchase request
    2. Check/uncheck Attach a Purchase Request PDF
    3. Enter the Additional content 
  • Step 3Click Send

    Share Purchase Request to vendor

    Step 1. Select the approved Purchase Request -> Click 

    Step 2. In the Share purchase requests to vendors, select the vendor and click Share button

    ==> these vendor will see this Purchase request in their portal.

    Purchase Request Detail

    Contains Purchase Request information and related quotations. 

    • Step 1. Go to Purchase Request menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar
    • Step 2. Select a purchase request and click View
      Compare Quotation: show all quotes created from purchase request. Used to compare quotation of vendors. 

    Views: 131

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