Select Approver: Staff or Direct manager or Department manager. - Direct manager: the approver is the direct manager of the transaction creator. - Department manager: the approver is the department head of the employee who created the transaction. Direct manager, Department manager are only displayed when HR Record module is active.
Select action: approve or sign With action is approve, you can upload the E-sign at the approval step if you enable the option "Allow upload esign for approval type" in Purchase Optionssetting
Click to add another approver to the process Click to remove a approver from the process
Step 4. Click Save button If the transaction creator's department does not have a department head, or the transaction creator does not have a direct manager, after submitting the approval request, the transaction creator will receive a notification that no approver was found.
Edit approval setting
To edit the details of an existing approval :
Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar
Step 2. Select Approval Settings menu -> Select approval setting need to be edited and click Edit
Step 3. Make the necessary changes and click Save button.
Delete approval
Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar
Step 2. Select Approval Settings menu -> Select the approval need to be deleted and click Delete
Step 3. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The approval will be deleted.
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