Manufacturing Management module for Perfex CRM

1. Use the BoM menu to add raw materials

2. check their availability in stock

Step 1, Create a Manufacturing order. Select the warehouse to export components and import the finished product from the Miscellaneous tab

Step 2. Click Mark as todo. If there is a component that is not in stock, it will display a message like this --> Proceed to import inventory 

Step3.  Click the "Check availability" button. When all are shown in green, it means that the quantity is enough for production, and the components have been marked except for stock, but at this time the inventory delivery voucher has not been created because the user can still revert. After the MO is in the Done status, the inventory delivery voucher for the components will be automatically generated and the inventory receiving voucher for the final product is also generated and automatically imported into the warehouse selected in step 1.

Routing is allowing to declare the "Operation" required to manufacture a product. Each operation will be a work order.

You can see cost of product in Manufacturing order detail/ Costing.

Cost of product = Total Material Cost + Total Labour Cost.

in there: 

- Total Material Cost  = ∑ ( Quantity * Purchase price of each item) 

- Total Labour Cost = Total employee working cost + Total work center cost

- Total employee working cost = ∑ (Cost/Hour * Working time each  work center) 

- Total work center cost = ∑ (cost per hour on each work center * Working time each work center) 

After the Manufacturing order has the status of done, the Total Labor Cost will be calculated.

Cost/Hour is configured at Setting -> General setting

Cost per hour on each work center is configured at Work Center

After successful production (by clicking Mark as Done button in the Manufacturing order) -> the inventory receiving voucher is automatically created and approved -> at this time you can update the serial number for the product through the Import Serial numbers function.

Product type is predefined in the system and by default, there are only 3 types: Consumable, Service, and Storable product. So, there is no place to create a new Product type.

Each MO ( Manufacturing order)  can only be applied to a specific product (if that product has no variant) or to a specific variant product.

A BoM can apply to many MOs, Each component in BoM can apply to 1 or more variants. If you choose variant product, when creating a MO for a variant, the system will display the components to use accordingly.