Add expiration dates to driver and vehicle documents (in the Vehicle Document and Driver Document screens). The system automatically sends notifications and emails to the responsible person when the document's expiration date is approaching.
- Step 1: Select the Settings menu of Fleet -> Choose the General
screen -> Enter the necessary values
• The field
“How many days in advance should expiration warnings be sent?” is used to enter
the number of days in advance that the system will send a warning when the
expiration date is approaching.
• The field “The recipient is notified of the expiration” is used to select the person who will receive the warning when the document is nearing its expiration date. The selected person will receive a notification from the system and an email.
- Step 2: Select the Vehicle Document or Driver Document screen to upload the document -> Then select the document's expiration date.
- Step 3: After the CRONJOB runs, the system will determine the document's expiration date and send a warning to the selected employee.