This data will be used for the Unit combobox in Add/Edit Item page.
Add New Units
To add a new unit to your organization:
Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar.
Step 2. Select Units menu -> Click on the Add unit button.
Step 3. In the Add unit page, fill the following details:
Enter the Unit code.
Enter the Unit name.
Enter Unit symbol
Enter the Order: Unit with a smaller order will show up on top in the Unit combobox
Check/ uncheck Display: if you check this option, Unit is Display that will be displayed in the Unit combobox ( Items menu -> Add/Edit item form ). Opposite, unit is Not display that will not be displayed.
Enter the Note.
Step 4. Click Save button
Edit Unit
To edit the details of an existing unit :
Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar
Step 2. Select Units menu -> Hover over the unit to be edited and click Edit
Step 3. Make the necessary changes and click Save button
Delete unit
If an unit is no longer operational, you can delete it. To delete an unit:
Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar
Step 2. Select Units menu -> Hover over the unit to be deleted and click Delete
Step 3. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The unit will be deleted.
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