Screen used to create training type. The data at this screen will be used for the Training Program screen of the Training menu
1. Create a training type
- Step 1: Select the function ADD included in Type of trainings
- Step 2: The system will open a screen called Add
type of training -> We proceed to enter data -> Then select SAVE to save the operation or select Close
to close the screen and cancel the operation just done
2. Edit a training type
- Step 1: Select the Edit function corresponding to the data line to be edited
- Step 2: The system will display the screen Update type of training -> Proceed to edit the data -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the operation just done.
3. Delete a training type
- Step 1: Select the Delete function corresponding to the data line to be deleted
- Step 2: The system will display a Confirmation
message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or
select Cancel to cancel the operation
4. Export training type
The system supports exporting data through files such as: Excel / CSV / PDF and Print. To export the Type of trainings data, we have two ways as follows:
Method 1: To export all data of Type of trainings -> select the display function -> Select All -> The system will display all data contained in Type of trainings -> Then select Export function- > Select the file type you want to export
Method 2: To export data by search conditions
-> Enter search data into Search function -> Data will be filtered by search
conditions and displayed on the list -> Then select Export function ->
Select the file type you want to export