The employee layoff process in HR Records

  • Last Created On Jul 04, 2023
  • 114
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The employee layoff process will be created in the following flow:

- Step 1: Select HR Records module -> Settings -> Layoff Checklist -> Add

- Step 2: The system will display the Add layoff checklist screen -> We proceed to enter the data -> Then select SAVE to save the operation and move to Step 3 or select Close to close the screen and cancel the last operation

- Step 3: After saving the data at the Add layoff checklist screen, the system will switch to another screen called Configure layoff checklist to perform more steps in the quit process. Select the function to add a step in the process (go to Step 4) or select the function to return to the main screen displaying the Layoff checklist list with the previously created data line.

- Step 4: When selecting the ADD function, the system will display fields such as Name of steps in the quit process and who is responsible for doing this. After you have finished entering data, select SAVE to save the data you have just manipulated.

*Note: The data in the Person in charge of handing field will be obtained from the HR Record menu of the HR Profile module. The selected employee will have the right to update the resignation information corresponding to the department in charge

- Step 5: Forward to the menu screen Layoff checklist -> Select the function New Layoff checklist

- Step 6: The system will display the New Layoff checklist screen -> Proceed to enter the necessary data -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the action just done.

- Step 7: Update the resignation process -> At the Layyoff checklist screen -> Select the function to view the details of the resignation process and update the progress

- Step 8: The system will display the Layoff checklist screen corresponding to the selected line -> Proceed to check the completed processes -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the last action.

*Note: After the process has reached 100%, select  to approval, the data will change to Approve, and the employee's account will be deactivated so that he can't log in to the account anymore.

Views: 114

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