SMSs in Marketing Automation

  • Last Created On Jul 06, 2023
  • 120
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SMS templates screen for creating and managing SMS templates

The data at this screen is used for the SMS screen in the Channels menu

SMS templates -> SMS

1. SMS templates

1.1. Create SMS templates

Step 1: Select the Settings menu -> Select the SMS Templates screen -> Select the Add function included in the screen

Step 2: The system will display the EMS Template screen -> Enter the necessary values -> Select Save to save the action you just made or select Back to return to the previous screen

* Explanation:

o   The Name field is used to enter the name of the SMS Template
o   The Category field is used to select the type of SMS Template. This field data is taken from the Category screen of item 1.2 and only the Categories of type SMS Template
o   The Language field is used to select the language for the email template. This function will develop later to support transferring SMS templates to the selected language
o   Published field: If Yes is selected, the successfully created SMS Template will be allowed to be used and displayed in the SMS screen of Channels. If No is selected, otherwise it is not allowed to display
o   The Description field is used to design the SMS template through the system's data collection fields to display the Available merge fields

- Step 3: The system will display a screen containing the newly created SMS template data -> Select the Add language function to create a design for the corresponding language and then select the Design function

1.2. View SMS templates

Step 1: Select the Settings menu -> Select the SMS Templates screen -> Select the View function corresponding to the data line to see detailed information

Step 2: The system will display a screen containing the information of the corresponding SMS Template

* Explanation:

  o   The Preview screen will display the previously designed SMS Template

·        The Add Language function is used to add a language to the SMS template. Select Add Language and then proceed to Design the SMS template
·        The Clone Design function is used to copy the Design into another new language, but it needs to be redesigned in the language of the Lead/Client. From Lead's default language, the system will send SMS according to the template designed in the corresponding language
·        Select the Design function to proceed with editing the email template
·        Delete function is used to delete email templates in the respective language

  o   Statistics tab screen

·        The Text message over time chart will show an overview of the number of SMS-sent leads belonging to the corresponding SMS Template
·        The Text message Statis by campaign chart will list the number of SMS templates belonging to the corresponding Campaign (this field data is based on the Campaign campaign that selects the SMS belonging to the corresponding SMS template)

  o   The Leads tab screen will display a list of the remaining leads of the current SMS template . The Point column will show the total available points of the Lead after the Campaign is run (the score will be aggregated from the action point and change point)


    1.3. Edit SMS template

    - Step 1: Select the Settings menu -> Select the SMS Template screen -> Select the Edit function corresponding to the SMS Template line that needs to be edited



     - Step 2: The system will display a screen containing the corresponding information of the data -> Proceed to edit the data -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Back to close the screen and cancel the operation just done. presently


     1.4Delete SMS template

    Select the Settings menu -> Select the SMS Template screen -> Select the corresponding line you want to delete -> Select the Delete function


     2. SMS

 Ø Another channel that you can refer to is SMS, ie sending SMS messages to Contact's phone number for example order confirmation or registration confirmation.
Ø SMS when running the campaign will be sent to the Lead or Main Contact of Customers
Ø SMS will be based on the language of Lead / Customer and send SMS according to the previously designed language
* Note: Before you can send SMS, you need to register and install Twilio Plugin in the system (Setup -> Settings -> SMS -> Twilio)

2.1. Create SMS

Step 1: Select Channel menu -> Select SMS screen -> Select Add function in the screen

Step 2: The system will display a screen containing the relevant fields -> Enter the necessary values -> Select Save to save the action you just made or select Back to return to the previous screen

* Explanation

  o   The Name field is used to enter the name of the SMS

  o   Description : Detailed description of the text message

  o   Category: data taken from category setting with type Text message

  o   Published: If you choose Yes, the SMS created successfully will be used in the Campaign screen

  o   SMS template is used to select SMS template. This field data is taken from the SMS Template screen of section 1.3. When selecting a template, the previous design data of the template will also be displayed on the right side of the screen

2.2. View SMS
Step 1: Select the menu Channels -> Email -> Select the View function corresponding to the email to see the information

Step 2: The system will display a screen containing detailed information of the corresponding SMS

* Explanation:

      The Preview tab screen will display the designed content of the SMS

o   The Add Language function is used to add languages for SMS. Select Add Language and then proceed to Design SMS

o   The Clone Design function is used to copy the Design into another new language, but it needs to be redesigned according to the client's language. From Lead's default language, the system will send SMS according to the template designed in the corresponding language

o   Select Design function to proceed with SMS editing

o   Delete function is used to delete email templates in the respective language

      Statistics tab screen

      The Total number of leads field will show the total number of current leads that are SMSed accordingly

      The Number of active campaigns field will display the total number of active campaigns with the corresponding SMS selected and valid (based on the start date and end date in the campaign).

      The Number of campaigns participated field will display the total number of participated campaigns that have selected the corresponding SMS and have passed the validity period (based on the start date and end date in the campaign).

      The SMS over time graph will show an overview of the number of leads sent by corresponding SMS

      The SMS Statis by campaign chart will show the number of SMS belonging to the corresponding Campaign (this field data is based on the Campaign campaign with the corresponding SMS selected).

2.3. Edit SMS 

Step 1: Select the Channels screen -> Select the SMS screen -> Select the Edit function corresponding to the Text messages that need to be edited

Bước 2: Hệ thống sẽ hiển thị màn hình chứa thông tin của Text messages tương ứng -> Tiến hành chỉnh sửa thông tin và chọn chức năng Save để lưu lại thao tác

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