The data set in Salary Type will be used for the Contract Menu in the HR Profile module.
1. Create a new salary type
- Step 1: Select the Add function in the Salary Type screen
- Step 2: The system will open a screen called New Salary type -> We proceed to enter data -> Then select SAVE to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the operation just done .
2. Edit salary type
- Step 1: Select the Edit function corresponding to the data line to be edited
- Step 2: The system will display the screen Edit salary type -> Proceed to edit the data of the salary type -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the operation just done.
3. Delete salary type
- Step 1: Select the Delete function corresponding to the data line to be deleted.
- Step 2: The system will display a confirmation message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation.
4. Export salary type
Method 1: To export all data of Salary type -> select display function -> Select All -> System will display all data contained in Salary type -> Then select Export function-> Select file type you want to export.
Method 2: To export data by search conditions -> Enter search data into Search function -> Data will be filtered by search conditions and displayed on the list -> Then select Export function -> Select the file type you want to export.