When you move money from one account to another, you'll need to record the transaction as a transfer
Create a new transfer
If you need to create a new transfer, here’s what to do:
Step 1. Go to Transfer menu under the Accounting module -> click on the Add button
Step 2. In the Convert popup, fill in the following details: 1. From the Transfer funds from dropdown list, select the bank account that the money is coming from. 2. From the Transfer funds to dropdown list 3. Enter the Date field 4. In the Transfer Amount field, enter the amount being transferred. 5. Enter a description of the transfer in the Description field (optional).
Step 3. Click on the Save button.
Edit a transfer
If you need to edit a transfer, here’s what to do:
Step 1. Go to Transfer menu under the Accounting module. Find and select the transfer you need to edit.
Step 2. Click on the Edit
Step 3. Make the necessary changes and click on the Save button.
Delete a transfer
If you need to delete a transfer, here’s what to do:
Step 1. Go to Transfer menu under the Accounting module. Find and select the transfer you need to delete.
Step 2. Hover over the transfer and click Delete
Step 3. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The transfer will be deleted.
Mass delete
Step 1. Select some transfer you need to delete.-> click on the Manipulation-> select the Mass delete -> click on the Confirm button
Step 2. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. That transfer will be deleted.
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