Receiving & Delivery Settings

  • Last Created On Jun 16, 2023
  • 350
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Go to Settings menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar -> Select General Settings -> Receiving & Delivery tab

The data set in the tab Receiving & Delivery will be used for Inventory receiving voucher menu and Inventory delivery voucher menu.

  • Allow delete of Inventory receipt voucher or Inventory delivery voucher (after approval):
    • If you enable this setting, the Approved inventory receiving voucher and inventory delivery voucher will display the Delete option => after deletion, decreasing the inventory quantity (if deleting the inventory receiving voucher) /increasing the inventory quantity (if deleting the inventory delivery voucher) and delete the transaction history in the Inventory History menu.
    • If you disable this setting, hide the Delete option in Inventory receiving voucher and Inventory delivery voucher menu so the Inventory receiving voucher and Inventory delivery voucher (after approval) can't be deleted.
  • Export method: FIFO ( First In, First Out): Items that are stocked first will be selected to be delivered first.
  • Inventory receiving voucher:
    • If check Create an inventory receipt when the Purchase Order is approved and select the warehouse in  Select the warehouse to auto-receive inventory generated from purchase orders field: automatically generate inventory receipt as soon as the purchase order is approved and import to the selected warehouse.
    • If check Create an inventory receipt when the Purchase Order is approved but do not select the warehouse to auto-receive inventory generated from purchase orders: inventory receipt is not generated automatically.
    • If uncheck Create an inventory receipt when the Purchase Order is approved but select the warehouse in Select the warehouse to auto-receive inventory generated from purchase orders field: inventory receipt is not generated automatically.
    • It is mandatory to select a Purchase order when entering an Inventory receipt: If you are active this setting. in the Inventory receiving voucher form, the Purchase order field is mandatory and shows an asterisk.
  • Inventory delivery voucher:
    • Create an inventory delivery voucher note when the Invoice is created: if you enable this setting when the invoice is created, it will automatically generate a corresponding Goods delivery note, and the delivery note will be automatically approved. If the item's inventory = 0, the inventory delivery voucher is not created.
    • When canceling an Invoice, automatically delete the corresponding Inventory delivery generated from the Invoice: if you enable this setting when the invoice is canceled, it will automatically delete the corresponding Inventory delivery generated from the Invoice. To cancel an invoice: Sales -> Invoices -> View detail invoice -> click More -> Mark as Cancelled.
    • When unchecked, the invoice cancellation and the Inventory delivery will be automatically generated: if you enable this setting when an invoice is unmarked as canceled, it will automatically generate a corresponding Inventory delivery note.
    • It is mandatory to select a Purchase order when entering an Inventory delivery: if you enable this setting when creating an Inventory delivery voucher, the Purchase order field is mandatory and shows an asterisk. 

Views: 350

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