Q&A menu in HR Records Module

  • Last Created On Jul 05, 2023
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The Q&A screen is used to create topics related to the work of the departments so that the person in charge can answer the requests of the employees when they need support

Create Group -> Create Article -> Support 

1. Groups

The Group screen is used to create and manage groups, a group will contain many Articles

1.1. Create group

Method 1: Create groups directly through the groups management screen

- Step 1 At the Q&A screen -> Select the Groups function

Step 2: The system will display the Group management screen -> Proceed to select the New Group function

* Explanation: the numbers after the name of the Group to show the number of Articles in the corresponding Group and the Active field shows that the Group is allowed to be used to create Articles of this group

- Step 3: The system continues to display the New Group screen -> Proceed to enter the necessary data to create -> Select Save to save the operation or select Close to cancel the operation and return to the main screen

* Explanation:

o   The Group name field is used to enter the name of the group, subject, or department

o   The Color field is used to select the display color of the group when viewing data with Kanban style

o   The Description field is used to describe more information for the group

o   The Order field is used to enter the display priority order of the group, the smaller the order number will be displayed first

If the Disabled field is selected, this Group will still be created successfully but will not be used for other purposes such as creating an article of this group will not be. If Disabled is not selected, the newly created Group can be used. * Note: if the Disabled Group already has Article data, all Articles in the Group will also be hidden

Method 2: Create an indirect group through creating Articles

- Step 1 At the Q&A screen -> Select the New Article function in the screen

Step 2: The system will display the Add new management screen -> Proceed to select the function

Step 3: The system will display the New Group screen -> Enter the necessary data to create -> Select Save to save the operation or select Close to cancel the operation and return to the main screen. The data after successfully created will be stored at the Groups management screen

1.2. Edit Group 

At the Q&A screen -> Select the Groups function -> Select the function  corresponding to the line to be edited

1.3. Delete Group 

At the Q&A screen -> Select the Groups function -> Select the function   corresponding to the line to be deleted

2. Article

Creating an article is to create issues that belong to a group or a certain department

2.1. Add New Article

- Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> Select the function New Articles

Step 2: The system will display the Add new screen -> Proceed to enter the necessary data to create a new Article -> Select the Save function to save the entered operation or select Go back to cancel the operation and return to the new Article. about home screen

* Explanation:

o   The Subject field is used to enter the name of the Article

o   The Group field gets its data from the Groups screen that was configured from 10.1.1.

o   Disabled function, when selected, will mean that this Article is no longer used, Article will be displayed as crossed out.

o   The Show to empoyee function is used to allow this Article to be displayed for all other employees in the system to see and can request support -> Select the person responsible for answering

    Article's questions this (The person handler requests support for this article field). If the person in charge is not selected, this Article will only be visible to the staff and will not be able to process the support request.

o   The Attach file field is used to upload files related to this Article, if authorized staff will be able to see this file when successfully creating a new one.

o   The Article description field is used to enter an additional description for this Article

    2.2. View information Articles

Method 1: For KanBan screen

Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the name of the Article to view information

Step 2: The system will display the detailed information screen of the corresponding Article

* Explanation:

o   Yes / No function to get survey opinions of employees about this Article. Currently, the system has not processed business for this function, so it can be temporarily ignored.

o   The Support function is used to make a support request to the person in charge of this Article. Refer to section 10.3 for better understanding of this function.

o   Go Back function is used to return to the main screen

    The Related Articles field will display the uploaded files when creating the selected Article


    Method 2: For the List screen

    - Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the function  available on the screen


    - Step 2: The system will display the screen of Articles in the form of a list -> Proceed to select the Article line to see detailed information -> Select the View function available in the corresponding data line


Step 3: The system will display detailed information of the corresponding Article



2.3. Edit Article information 

    Method 1: Edit information with KanBan display data

    - Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the function  corresponding to the Article that needs to be edited


     - Step 2: The system will display the Edit screen containing the details of the corresponding Article -> Proceed to edit the information of the Article -> Select Save to save the changed data or select Go Back to cancel operation and return to the main screen

* Explanation:

o   Delete function is used to delete this Article

o   The New Article function is used to add another Article

    The Slug function will display for optimization in SEO, the purpose is that when searching for this article, it will be seen higher


Method 2: Edit information with list display data

- Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the function  available on the screen

Step 2: The system will display the screen of Articles in the form of a list -> Proceed to select the Article line to see detailed information -> Select the Edit function available in the corresponding data line

Step 3: The system will display the Edit screen containing the details of the corresponding Article -> Proceed to edit the information of the Article -> Select Save to save the changed data or select Go Back to cancel operation and return to the main screen

2.4. Delete Article Information

Method 1: Clear information with KanBan display data

Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the function   corresponding to the Article to be deleted

Step 2: The system will display the Edit screen containing the details of the corresponding Article -> Select the Delete function in the screen

Step 3: The system will display a confirmation message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation

Method 2: Clear information with data displayed in the form of a list

Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the function   available on the screen

Step 2: The system will display the screen of Articles in the form of a list -> Proceed to select the Article line to be deleted -> Select the Delete function included in the corresponding data line

Step 3: The system will display a confirmation message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation

3. Support 

For Articles that can be displayed to other staff in the system and have a person in charge, the Support function will be displayed so that the staff can ask for assistance with the respective Article related issues

Step 1: At the Q&A screen -> the system is displaying Article data in KanBan format -> select the Support function corresponding to the Article that needs support

Step 2: The system will display the Send mail screen -> Enter the necessary data to request support -> select Save to send the request to the person in charge or select Close to cancel the return operation. home screen

* Explanation:

o   The Send to field will display the email of the designated person supporting the requests of other employees in the system

o   The Subject field is used to enter the reason, cause or problem for the person in charge

o   The content field is used to enter the requested content

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