Used to create purchase request. After the purchase request has a status of Approved, it can be shared to the vendor.
In case the purchase request has a status of Draft or Rejected, the purchase request cannot be shared with the vendor
Create Purchase Request
- Step 1. Create approval process for Purchase request ( if necessary) at approval setting.
- Step 2. Go to Purchase request menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar -> Click Add Purchase Request button
- Step 3. In the Add new Purchase request page, fill the following details:

1. Enter the Purchase Request Name.
2. Select the Team.
3. You can create a purchase request from Sales Estimate or Sale invoice and available items or enter arbitrary names for undefined items.
Sale estimate: get estimates with states Draft , Send , Expired. Accepted (except Declined).
Sale invoices: Get all invoices except the one with Draft and Cancelled status.
4. Select the Type.
5. Select the Currency.
6. Select Project.
7. Select the Requester
7. Select Share to vendor: After purchase request is selected Approved⇒ vendor can see this purchase request in their portal.
8. Enter the Description. - Step 4. Click Submit button
- Step 5. Go to purchase request detail -> click on Send approval request button

- Step 6. The approver receives the notification and proceeds to approve(if there is an approval process)

- Step 7. After purchase request status is Approved -> you can send email purchase request to vendor and share purchase to vendor
Edit Purchase Request
Only purchase requests whose status is Draft and Rejected have the editing function.
Delete Purchase Request
Allows deleting purchase request in all states
Send Request Quotation email
- Step 1. Go to the approved purchase request details page

- Step 2. Click
--> fill the required details and click Send button

Share Purchase Request to vendor
Step 1. Select the approved Purchase Request -> Click
--> click Share Request

Step 2. In the Share purchase requests to vendors, select the vendor and click Share button

==> these vendor will see this Purchase request in their portal.
Purchase Request Detail
- Step 1. Go to Purchase Request menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar
- Step 2. Select a purchase request and click on purchase request code hyperlink or click

: view PDF or download this purchase request