Purchase Quotation

  • Last Created On Jul 12, 2023
  • 44
0 0

Quotations can be created in both admin portal and vendor portal

You can create quotations from available items or approved purchase request. 

Create Quotation

  • Step 1. Create approval process for Quotation ( if nececessary) at approval setting.
  • Step 2. Go to Quotations menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar -> Click Add Estimate button
  • Step 3. In the Add Estimate page, fill the following details:

    1. Select the Vendor
    Create quotation by selecting Purchase request or available items

    Click   to remove this item from quotation.
    3. Select the Currency
    4. Select Buyer
    5. Select Date and Expity Date
  • Step 4. Click Submit button ==> Quotation is successfully created and displayed in the corresponding vendor portal account
  • Step 5. Go to purchase quotation detail -> click on Send approval request button 

    Note: If you are an admin, you can update the status of quotation to approved or rejected.

  • Step 6. The approver receives the web and email notification and proceeds to approve(if there is an approval process)

Add Attachment 

This feature is only visible in the employee view. You can attach the file related to this quote

Send an email and attach quotation

  • Step 1. Go to Quotations detail -> click 

  • Step 2. Click Send button

View PDF 

  •  Go to Quotations detail -> click

Views: 44

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