Step 1.Go to Settings menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar.
Step 2. Select Purchase Option menu
Not creating Purchase request, Quotation: If you enable this setting, the Quotation field is hidden in the Add purchase order page.
Load items by vendor: If you enable this setting, when creating a purchase order or quotation, the items will load according to the selected vendor. Conversely, if this setting is not enabled, all existing items will be displayed.
Only show prefix & number on Purchase order number field: If you enable this setting, the Purchase order number field consists of 3 components: prefix - number - vendor code. If you do not enable this setting, the Purchase order number field includes the following components: prefix - number - month - year - vendor code
Allow vendor to register: if activated, the vendor portal (/purchase/authentication_vendor) will display the Register button
Allow Vendor Add/Edit/Delete Purchase invoice: If enabled, the vendor can create, edit, and delete purchase invoices on the vendor portal
Aloow Vendor Add/Edit/Delete Purchase Quotation: If enabled, the vendor can create, edit, and delete purchase quotation on the vendor portal
Automatically Create a Purchase Order When The Quotation is Approved: as soon as the quotation status is approved, a purchase order will be automatically created.
+ Purchase order is created with Draft status when you have approval settingsfor purchase order
+ Purchase order is created with Approved status when you do not have approval settingsfor purchase order
Show TAX per item: show tax column in PDF, Purchase Order detail and Quotation detail.
Send email welcome for new contact: if this feature is enabled, when there is a new contact, the system will automatically send a welcome email to the newly created contact.
Reset purchase order number every month: if you enable this feature, the Purchase order number will automatically reset at the beginning of the month
Show Vendor Note on PO PDF: If enabled, the Vendor Note will display in the PDF of the PO
Show Purchase Order Name on PO PDF: Enable this option to display purchase order name in the PDF
Allow upload esign for approve type: Enable this option so that the approver can upload the e-sign in the approval step. This option only works with the approval process where the action is Approve
RESET DATA: All data related to Purchase request, Quotation, Purchase order, Contract, Purchase invoice, Debit Note, return order are deleted. Payments related to Purchase invoice are deleted. Does not affect the Inventory module. Setting data, items are not deleted.
Tasks related to Purchase order, Quotation, Purchase invoice, Contract are also deleted.
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