Step 1. Go to the Purchase module in the left sidebar and select Items menu
Step 2. Click on the Add item button
Step 3. In the Add item page,enter the required details:
Commodity barcode field: automatically generated barcodes or can be edited by the user.
Sku code field: used to enter the code of the sku. In case the user does not enter the sku code, after the item is saved, the Sku code will be automatically generated.
Rate field: used to enter the selling priceitem. In case the user enters Default Profit Rate (%) and Purchase price first, the Rate field will be automatically calculated according to the formula Rate= Purchase price * ( 1+ profit rate).
Upload image: used to upload the item's image. Allows adding multiple images at the same time. The first uploaded image will be selected as the item's representative image. In item details screen will show all added shapes on top right
Can be sold: If you enable this setting, then this item will be used for Sales module
Can be purchased: If you enable this setting, the item will be used for in the Purchase module.
Step 4. Click Save
Edit Items
To edit the details of an existing item:
Step 1. Go to the Purchase module in the left sidebar and select Items menu
Step 2. Select the item need to be edited and click -> click Edit
Step 3. Make the necessary changes and click Save button
Delete Items
You can delete individual items or delete multiple items at once
Select the item need to be edited and click-> click Delete Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The item will be deleted.
Select the items to be deleted and click on Bulk actions. Select Mass delete -> click Confirm button.
Change Item Selling Price
Step 1. Select the items to be changed selling price and press Bulk action.
Step 2. Choose change item selling price -> enter a value -> click Confirm button
value >0: increase the selling price value < 0: decrease the selling price
Change Item Purchase Price
Similar to Change item selling price
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