If a Purchase invoice is generated from a Purchase order then this Purchase invoice cannot be mapped.
Manual Mapping
NOTE: If the purchase invoice mapping setup is disabled, the purchase invoice is not automatically mapped. Manual mapping is required.
Step 1. Enable the Tax default at Mapping setup/Purchase so that the total tax amount of the purchase invoice will be mapped to this configuration. if this configuration is not enabled, the tax of the purchase invoice is not mapped to any accounts.
Step 2. Create the purchase invoice.
Step 3. Click to map -> Select the account and click on the Save button.
Total tax amount mapped according to Tax default at Mapping setup/Purchase. And this purchase invoice is displayed in the report.
Automatic mapping for purchase invoice
Step 1. Go to Settings menu under the Accounting module in the left sidebar -> Select the Mapping setup menu -> Select the Purchase tab -> Enable the purchase invoice mapping setupand select the payment account and deposit to -> Click on the Save button
Step 2. Enable the Tax default at Mapping setup/Purchase so that the total tax amount of the purchase invoice will be mapped to this configuration. if this configuration is not enabled, the tax of the purchase invoice is not mapped to any accounts.
Step 3. Create the purchase invoice
Step 4. Go to the Transactions menu under the Accounting module -> Purchase -> Purchase invoice , this purchase invoice is mapped automatically.
Sub total of purchase invoice is mapped according to the Purchase order mapping setup.
If the item in the purchase invoice meets the conditions of the item mapping setup, the deposit account will be replaced with the Expense account.
Mass mapping
Step 1. Enable the purchase invoice mapping setupand select the payment account and deposit to -> Click on the Save button
Step 2. Go to the Transactions menu -> Purchase->Purchase invoice -> Select some purchase invoices which mapping status is Has not been mapped -> click on the Bulk actions -> select the Mass mapping -> click on the Confirm button.
Step 3. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The purchase invoice will be mapped.
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