Use to Upload your own files/ folders
1.1. Upload files
Select the folder to upload files -> right click -> select the Upload files function
1.2. File sharing
- Step 1: Select the file you want to share ->
Right-click -> Select the Share function
- Step 2: The system will display the screen
Manage Sharing -> Select the function ADD
- Step 3: The system continues to display the
Share screen with 3 options: Share for employees, share for customers and share
to the Public folder. If sharing for employees, go to Step 4. Share for
customers, go to Step 5 and go to Step 6 if you want to share publicly
- Step 4: If sharing for employees, select the Staff data -> Proceed to enter the necessary values -> Then select Save to perform the sharing operation for employees or select Close to cancel the operation just done. display and return to the previous screen
* Note:
Ø The
Expiration date applies field is used to bind the file display time when
sharing. If you choose to extend the time and select the Delete file when
finished function, the system will automatically delete the file on time, no
longer viewing or downloading the file.
Ø The
Download limit applies field is used to limit the display time of the file when
downloading. If you choose to extend the time and select the Delete file when
finished function, the system will automatically delete the file on time, no
longer viewing or downloading the file.
Ø The
Permission field contains the permissions that the person sharing the file can
affect the file in the system.
Ø The
data after being shared successfully will be displayed on the screen of the employee's
Shared folder
- Step 5: If sharing to a customer, select Client data -> Enter the necessary values -> Then select Save to perform the sharing operation for the customer or select Close to cancel the operation just done. display and return to the previous screen
* Note:
Ø The
Expiration date applies field is used to bind the file display time when
sharing. If you choose to extend the time and select the Delete file when
finished function, the system will automatically delete the file on time, no
longer viewing or downloading the file.
Ø The
Download limit applies field is used to limit the display time of the file when
downloading. If you choose to extend the time and select the Delete file when
finished function, the system will automatically delete the file on time, no
longer viewing or downloading the file.
Ø The
Permission field contains the permissions that the person sharing the file can
affect the file in the system.
Ø After
successful sharing, the data will be displayed on the screen of the customer's
Shared folder
- Step 6: If sharing is public, select Public data -> Proceed to enter the necessary values -> Then select Save to perform the sharing operation and continue with step 7 or select Close to cancel the operation just done. display and return to the previous screen
* Note:
Ø The
Expiration date applies field is used to bind the file display time when
sharing. If you choose to extend the time and select the Delete file when
finished function, the system will automatically delete the file on time, no
longer viewing or downloading the file.
Ø The
Download limit applies field is used to limit the display time of the file when
downloading. If you choose to extend the time and select the Delete file when
finished function, the system will automatically delete the file on time, no
longer viewing or downloading the file.
Ø The
Permission field allows the Download permission that the person sharing the
file can use for the shared file.
Ø The
Password field allows the person who is sharing the file with the password to
use this password to download the data to the computer.
- Step 7: After successfully saving the data -> Proceed to choose to edit the newly created data line to add emails to customers who are not in the system
- Step 8: The system will display the Share screen -> Proceed to select the Email function to send email to share the corresponding file to the customer
* Function used to copy the file address to share
- Step 9: Enter the correct email address of the
customer -> Select Save to proceed with sharing data for the customer or
select Close to cancel the operation and return to the previous screen
1.3. Delete files
Select the file to delete -> Select the right mouse button -> Select the function Into trash
Folder will show the files/folders that other employees share with you