Loyalty Program

  • Last Created On Jul 03, 2023
  • 135
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    Used to manage the programs to calculate and redeem points for customers. 
  • Step 1. Go to Loyalty Programs menu under the Customer Loyalty module in the left sidebar -> click on the New button

  • Step 2. In the Create loyalty rule page, fill in the following details: 
    • General information tab:

      1. Enter the Name 
      2. Click on the Enable option to activate the program.
      3. Select the Customer group and Customer
      4. Enter the Start date and End date
      5. Enter the Desciption
    • Point calculation tab: 

      The customers get accumulated points after the order is paid in full. Applicable to portal order, pos order and sale invoice.

      1. Select the Rule base: Card total, Product category, Product. 
      Card total: Points program will be calculated according to the total invoice. For example, the Minium purchase is $200 and the Customer will be awarded is 2 and the for a purchase of every is $100. If the customer 's invoice is $400, the customer will receive 4 points.

      Product category:  client will receive points corresponding to each product of product category in the invocie. For example, the minium purchase is $200 and the Product category is Audio and Loyalty point is 2, then the customer buy the total invoice of $1000 and has items in the Audio group, the customer will receive 2 points. And if the customer buys the item in the Audio group but the total bill is less than $200 will not earn points.

      Product: client will receive points corresponding to each product in the invoice. For example, in case the minimum purchase is $200 and the Product is Iphone and the Loyalty Point is 2, the customer buys the total bill of $1000 and has the Iphone item, the customer will get 2 points, and if the customer buys the item Iphone but total bill less than $200 will not be counted.

      2. Enter the Minimum purchase:  the minimum purchase limit to apply the program. For example, enter $100 in the Minium purchase, the program is only valid for customers who purchase goods with an invoice >= $100.

      3. Enter the Account creation point : the number of points received when a customer registers a new account or admin creates a new account for a customer
      4. Enter Birth day point : the number of points received on their birthday.

    • Redeem calculation tab:  used to convert points to cash, applicable to portal order, pos order and sales invoice.

      1. Select the Redeem type: Full or Partial
      If you choose Full: customers will only be able to redeem all of their points at a time.
      If you select Partial: customers will be redeemed a portion of their points in a time.
      2. Enter the Minimum Point to redeem: used to enter the minimum number of points that customers must enter when they want to redeem points. If the Redeem type field is selected Full, this field does not need to be entered.
      3. Enter the Max amount received: the maximum amount value that the customer can receive when redeeming points is based on the total value of the order ( Ex: 50% order value) 
      4. Enable/Disable the  "Redeem in Portal ( Omni-Channel Sale Module)" option: if this option is enabled, the redemption program applies on the Portal channel
      Enable/Disable the  "Redeem in POS ( Omni-Channel Sale Module)" option: if this option is enabled, the redemption program applies on the POS channel
      5. Create the rules: 
      Enter the Rule name
      Enter the Point from and Point to: only customers with points between Point from and Point to can redeem points
      Enter the Point weight: discount amount = Customer point * point weightFor example, Point from is 200 and Point to is 1500 and Point weight is 0.1, then when customers enter the redemption point as 1000, they will receive a $100 bonus.
      Select the Status is Enable or Disable: If enable is selected, this rule is applied in the program. If disable is selected, this rule is not applied in the program
  • Step 3. Click on the Save button 
Views: 135

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