Income Statement Modification

  • Last Created On Jun 12, 2023
  • 397
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Income Statement Modification: used to create a row in the income statement and make a formula for that row. Once you enable "Apply income statement modifications", total income in reports will be recalculated according to the rows and formulas you define in this setting. So you need to create at least 1 data row in this setting.

Reset Income Statement Modification:  It will delete all data income statement modification and recreate based on income account list.

Apply income statement modifications

·         If enabled, activated rows will be displayed in the report.

·         Otherwise, if disabled, the active rows will not be displayed in the report

  1. Management

    We have default accounts of Income type 

  2. Create 

    ·         Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Accounting module from the left sidebar

    ·         Step 2. Click the Income Statement Modification menu 

    ·         Step 3. Click Add button 

    In the Income Statement Modification page, fill in the following details: 

    1.     Enter the Name of the income statement row 

    2.     Select a type: Income or Net Income

    3.     Click  to add expression (+, -, *, /) and choose an account 

    Click  to remove an expression.

    formula: Income A = Billable Expense Income + Sales +  Uncategorised Income.

    Reports affected: 

    ·         Balance Sheet Comparison

    ·         Balance Sheet Detail

    ·         Balance Sheet Summary

    ·         Balance Sheet

    ·         Statement of Cash Flows

    ·         Profit and Loss

    ·         Profit and Loss comparison

    ·         Profit and Loss year-to-date comparison

    ·         Profit and Loss trailing 12 months

    ·         Profit and Loss as % of total income

  3. Enable/Disable row
    When enabling/disabled a line, it affects the data of reports
    Enable Apply income statement modifications and row so it shows up on the report.

    Disable the row so it doesn’t show up on the report

  4. Edit

    To edit a row: 

    ·          Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Accounting module from the left sidebar

    ·         Step 2. Click the Income Statement Modification menu 

    ·         Step 3. Hover over the row that you wish to edit and click Edit 

    ·         Step 4. Mark the necessary changes. 

    ·         Step 5. Click Save

  5. Delete

    To delete a row from report : 

    ·          Step 1. Go to Settings menu under Accounting module from the left sidebar

    ·         Step 2. Click the Income Statement Modification menu 

    ·         Step 3. Hover over the row that you wish to delete and click Delete

    ·         Step 4. Confirm to delete

Views: 397

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