Step1. Go to Settings menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar.
Step 2. Select General Settings menu -> Enter data into the fields and click on the Save button General Information
- Purchase order number prefix: used to configure the code for purchase order
- Next purchase order number: used to configure the order number of the purchase order, from the configured number, when creating a new purchase order, the order number will automatically increase by 1 unit. Set this field to 1 if you want to start from the beginning.
- Purchase request number prefix: used to configure the code for the purchase request
- Next purchase request number: used to configure the order number of the purchase request, from the configured number, when creating a new purchase request, the request number will automatically increase by 1 unit. Set this field to 1 if you want to start from the beginning.
- Purchase invoice prefix: used to configure the code for purchase invoice
- Next invoice Number:used to configure the invoice number of the purchase invoice, from the configured number, when creating a new purchase invoice, the invoice number will automatically increase by 1 unit. Set this field to 1 if you want to start from the beginning.
- Terms & Conditions: create default content for Terms & Conditions used in menu: Quotation, Purchase order, Debit Note, Purchase Invoice
- Vendor note: create default content for Vendor note used in menu: Quotation, Purchase order, Debit Note, Purchase Invoice
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