General decentralization

  • Last Created On Jul 05, 2023
  • 133
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The general permission screen will include functions such as setting the file type that can be displayed when uploading, the maximum allowed size, limiting the display time of the file on the system, etc

 Select the File Sharing module -> select the Settings menu -> Select the General screen

* Explanation:

Ø  The Allowed extension field is used to enter the file extensions that are allowed to be displayed on the system when uploading

Ø  The Maximum size per upload field is used to enter the maximum allowed Mb size when uploading files to the system, if not, you can upload files with any Mb size.

Ø  The Maximum number of storage months field is used to enter the number of months that the file is allowed to exist on the system, when the file has expired, the display will be deleted. If you do not enter a value and leave it blank, the file will not be automatically deleted.

Ø  The The administrator of the public folder field is used to select employees who have permission to manage the public folder. Normally a normal employee can only view files in the public folder, but cannot upload or edit files. If you have permission to manage the public folder, this person can upload and edit files.

Ø  The Hidden file field is used to enter hidden file extensions that are displayed when uploading to the system

Ø  Does the Allow file editing field allow employees who have permission to manage the public folder to edit the file after it has been uploaded?

Ø  The Staff Permissions field is a common right of employees in the system, will have general rights such as:

·        View: allows viewing files

·        Upload and override: allows uploading files to the system and editing

·        Delete: allows deleting files in the system after uploading

·        Upload: allows uploading files to the system

·        Download: allows you to download files to your device

·        Share: allows employees to share files with any employee in the system

·        Share to client: allow employees to share files with any customer in the system

Ø  Notification field: Allows when someone shares a file with others, the shared person will receive a notification on the system or Email

Ø  Visible to customer field: allows customers to manipulate functions such as View, Upload and override, Delete, Upload and Download files on the system in their own folders and when others share files. If this function is turned off, customers will not see the File Sharing module in their accounts when logging in.

Views: 133

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