Depreciations Mapping

  • Last Created On Jul 06, 2023
  • 165
0 0

Used to map the item's depreciation value to each month.

Manual Mapping

 If the depreciation mapping setup is disabled, the  depreciation value is not automatically mapped. Manual mapping is required.

  • Step 1. Create a new asset. The number of months of asset depreciation depends on the model you choose. Wait for the cron job, the system  automatically displays the depreciation value in Transactions -> Fixed Equipment -> Depreciations.
  • Step 2. Go to Transactions menu under the Accounting module -> Fixed equipment -> Depreciations-> click
  • Step 3. Select the account and click on the Save button
    Result: data is mapped to account based on created date of depreciation.

    Automatic mapping for depreciations

    • Step 1. Go to Settings menu under the Accounting module in the left sidebar -> Select the Mapping setup menu -> Select the Fixed equipment tab  ->  Enable the depreciation mapping setup and select the payment account and deposit to then click on the Save button

    • Step 2. Create a new asset. The number of months of asset depreciation depends on the model you choose. Wait for the cron job, the system  automatically displays the depreciation value in Transactions -> Fixed Equipment -> Depreciations. Item's depreciation value is mapped automatically.

    • Result: data is mapped to account based on created date of depreciation.

    Mass mapping 

    • Step 1. Enable the depreciation mapping setup and select the payment account and deposit to then click on the Save button.
    • Step 2. Go to Transactions menu under the Accounting module -> Fixed equipment -> Depreciations-> Select the depreciation value which mapping status is Has not been mapped -> click on the Bulk actions -> select the Mass mapping -> click on the Confirm button

    • Step 3. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The depreciation value will be mapped.

    Edit mapping

    • Step1. Go to Transactions menu under the Accounting module -> Fixed equipment -> Depreciations->  Click on the Edit  

    • Step 2. Change the account and click on the Save ==> the amount of the account will be changed. 

    Delete mapping 

    Deleting the mapping will change the account's amount

    • Step1. Go to Transactions menu under the Accounting module -> Fixed equipment -> Depreciations-> Click on the Delete

    • Step 2. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The depreciation value will be deleted.

    Mass delete mapping

      Deleting the mapping will change the account's amount

      • Step 1.  Go to Transactions menu under the Accounting module -> Fixed equipment -> Depreciations -> Select the depreciation value which mapping status is Has been mapped -> click on the Bulk actions -> select the Mass delete mapping -> click on the Confirm button

      • Step 2. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The mapping of depreciation will be deleted.
      Views: 165

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