- Step 1: Select the Services screen -> Proceed to select the Add to cart function for the service you want to register
- Step 2: The system will display the Please choose to classify screen containing the service packages -> Proceed to select the service pack and select the quantity to register and select Add to cart
- Step 3: After being selected, the service package will be in the cart -> Proceed to select the shopping cart to confirm the service order
- Step 4: The system will display a screen containing the selected service package information for payment -> Can edit the number of registered service packages -> Select Order to confirm the service pack order -> To create invoice continue to step 5
- Step 5: After selecting Order, the system will move to the Orders screen -> Continue to select the Create Invoice function to pay for the service package
- Step 6: The system will proceed to create an invoice corresponding to the value of the selected service. This Invoice will also be synced with the Admin Invoice screen
- Step 7: To pay for the service package -> Select Pay now and proceed to pay Online -> After successful payment, the system will automatically create a line in the Orders and Service screen containing the same information. application