Create Sign Document in Fixed Equipment module

  • Last Created On Jul 14, 2023
  • 72
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Used to create Sign documents for check-in, check-out of Assets, Licenses, Accessories , Consumables and Components.

There are two ways to create a signature:

  • Method 1: Directly select the records to create sign document from the management screen
    • Step 1. At the “Sign Manager” screen -> Select the filter function by “Staff” -> select specific staff
    • Step 2. The system will display the check-in/check-out of the selected employee -> Select the boxes corresponding to the check-in/check-out to create a sign document -> click "Create sign document" *Note: If the check-in/check-out have already created sign document , when it is selected to regenerate , the system will ignore these data and only create sign document  for the check-in/check-out has not been created yet
    • Step 3. The system will display "Create sign document" popup containing Employee information and select checkin / checkout -> click "Submit" to create a sign document.

    • After the sign document is created successfully, the Sign document field will display the code of the document corresponding to each check-in / check-out line contained in the newly created sign document.
  • Method 2: Create an indirect sign.
    • Step 1. At the Sign manager screen -> click “Create sign document” button.

    • Step 2. The system will display the Create sign document screen -> Proceed to select the name of the employee who wants to create the ticket and select the check in / checkout data -> Then select the Create function to create a signed ticket for the employee or select Close to cancel the operation and return to the main screen.

      *Note: For data lines that have already been created, when selected to create a ticket again, the system will ignore these data and only generate data that has not yet been created.

      After successfully creating the signing slip, the Sign document field will display the code of the voucher corresponding to each asset line included in the voucher.
Views: 72

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