Create Purchase Order and Approval

  • Last Created On Jul 12, 2023
  • 44
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Used to create a purchase order to send to the vendor for the purpose of purchasing.

Can create Purchase order without creating Purchase request, Quotation if Not create Purchase request, Quotation is enabled.

 Load items by vendor is enabled/disabled

Purchase orders can be created from the following types:

  • Purchase order is created from an existing item
  • Purchase order generated from Estimates
  • Purchase order created from Purchase request
  • Purchase order created from Sales invoice

Create Purchase Order

You can create multiple Purchase Orders from a purchase request or a Estimate or a sale invoice.

  • Step 1. Create approval process for purchase order( if nececessary) at approval setting.
  • Step 2. Go to Purchase Orders menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar -> Click Add Purchase Order button
  • Step 3. In the Create new purchase order page, fill the following details:

    1. Enter Purchase order description 
    2. Select a Vendor
    3. Select a purchase request or a estimate or sale invoice or available item 

    Click  to remove this item from quotation.
    4. Edit the Currency rate 

    5. Select the Project 
  • Step 4. Click Submit button ==> this purchase order will be displayed in the corresponding vendor portal. 
  • Step 5. Go to purchase order detail -> click on Send approval request button

    If you are an admin, you can update the status of quotation to approved or rejected or canceled.

  • Step 6. The approver receives the web and email notification and proceeds to approve(if there is an approval process)

  • Step 7. Both vendor and amin can update purchase order status: Delivered, Confirmed, Cancelled

Edit Purchase Order

Only purchase orders which status is Draft and Rejected can be edited.

Delete Purchase Order

Allows deleting purchase order in all states.

Views: 44

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