Create Manufacturing Order and Processing

  • Last Created On Jul 15, 2023
  • 194
0 0
  • Step 1. Go to Manufacturing orders under the Manufacturing module in the left sidebar 
  • Step 2. Click on the Add button on the top 
  • Step 3. In the Add manufacturing order page, fill the following details: 

    1. Select the product or product variation 
    2. Enter the Quantity 
    3. Select the Bills of material
    4. Enter the Plan from and Deadline
    5. Select the Responsible 
    6. At the Component tab, you can edit To consume or add other component 
    7. At the Miscellaneous tab, select a warehouse to get components for production at Components warehouse field. Select a warehouse to import products from after the production is complete at Finished Products warehouse field 
  • Step 4. Click on the Save button
  • Step 5. Click on Mark as todo button, the system automatically checks whether the number of components is enough for production.
    • If that's not enough, you need to create a purchase request and inventory receiving voucher for the missing components. Then click Check Availability button to check if the quantity is enough to proceed with production.
    • If the components are in sufficient quantity for production, the text in the To consumeReserved, and Consumed columns will turn green and the system will mark the warehouse for these components.
  • Step 6. Click on Planed button 
    • Use the Reversal button in the case of Inventory items which were issued out of a warehouse may be sent back there even if they are non-defective items, The possible cases are as follows:
      * The case in which more quantity of item was issued by mistake
      * The case in which anticipated failure rate was higher than the actual one
      * The case in which a change in order occurred, e.g. a decrease in order size or stopped order
      * The case in which an urgent change in plan occurred after issuing items
  • Step 7. Go to work orders list by click on Work orders button 
  • Step 8. Click 
  • Step 9. Select the work order and click View button 
  • Step 10. Click on Start working button 
  • Step 11. Click Done button  to finish this work order. Or click Pause button to suspend work order

    Click Next button to move to the next work order -> Do the same for the remaining work orders
  • Step 12. After completing all work orders -> click Manufacturing order button to return to manufacturing order detail page
  • Step 13. Click on Mark as done button -> enter actual quantity of product produced on the Quantity produced popup -> then click Mark as done button 

    -> an inventory receiving voucher is created and automatically approved, updating the quantity of the finished product to the previously selected warehouse-> now you can update serial number for the product through the Import Serial numbers function.
    • An inventory delivery voucher for components is also automatically generated.

    • If the product cost is 0, after successful production and import stock: the cost of product is calculated by the formula: Total Material Cost + Total Labor Cost.
    • Conversely, if the product has predefined buying and selling prices, the product value will not be changed.
Views: 194

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