Ø The Contract screen is used to create and manage contracts for employees in the system
The contract state will be updated proactively by editing the contract state in the Edit function
For expired contracts, the status is Expired
- Step 1: Go to Menu Contracts -> Select New Contract
- Step 2: The system will display the New Contract screen -> Enter the necessary data -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the operation just performed
* Note: newly created contract will show status as Draft
* Explanation:
o The
Contract code field is used to enter the contract code. The data in this field
will display the data set in item 1.10 .
o The
Staff name field is used to select the employee name associated with the
contract. This field data is taken from the setting in item 4
o The
Contract type field is used to select the contract type. This field data takes
the value from the setting in item 1.1
o The
Status field is used to select the status of the contract. This status is only
used for display and does not affect the system's business
o The
Effective date field is used to select the effective date of the contract. This
field data is only selected and displayed and does not affect the system's
o The
Expiration date field is used to select the expiration date of the contract.
This field data is only selected and displayed and does not affect the system's
o The
Salary and allowance by hourly
rate or month field is used to select an hourly or monthly allowance. This
field data is only selected and displayed and does not affect the system's
o The
list of Salary & Allowances is used to select data related to salary and
allowances for employees' contracts. The data in this field is taken from the
settings in 1.2 and 1.3 .
o field
is used to select the contract
signing date. This field data is only selected and displayed and does
not affect the system's processing
o The Signed by field is used to select the person who signed the contract . This field data is only selected and displayed and does not affect the system's processing
o The
Signed by field is used to select the person who signed the contract . This field data is only
selected and displayed and does not affect the system's processing
o The Attachment field is used to upload contract-related attachments, if any. Uploaded data will be displayed when viewing contract details
- Step 1: Select the corresponding data line to view information -> Select View
- Step 2: The system will expand the details of the corresponding contract
- Step 3: To sign the soft copy of the contract -> Select Contract tab -> Select View
* Attention:
o The employee's signature part will be performed by the employee when logging into his/her account and viewing details in the Contract screen in the employee's account
Select the corresponding data line to edit information -> Select Edit
Method 1: Delete a data line -> Select the corresponding data line to delete -> Select Delete
Method 2: Delete a lot of data
- Step 1: At the screen -> Proceed to select the data to be deleted -> Select the function Bulk actions
- Step 2: The system displays the Bulk action screen -> If you are sure to delete all selected data, select Mass delete -> Then select Comfirm
- Step 3: The system will display a confirmation message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation
- Step 1: At the screen -> Proceed to select display all data
- Step 2: Proceed to select the checkbox on the top -> Select the function Bulk actions
- Step 3: The system displays the Bulk action screen -> If you are sure to delete all selected data, select Mass delete -> Then select Comfirm
- Step 4: The system will display a Confirm
message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or
select Cancel to cancel the operation